Friday, January 27, 2012

3 weeks gone by

So three weeks went by already and finally i did all what i wanted to do..and that was stay with the children. Shortly after my arrival in Kakumiro - a very small village with just one road of shops and probably more cows than inhabitants-  I joined a German team who i met in Kakumiro where we were both residing on their orphanage project in Bukuumi.
Their orphanage project aims to help abandoned, poor children through their years of growing up by helping in school fees, accommodation, food, teaching them social skills and so on. This was perfect for me and from the first day i felt like i found what i came here to do.
I spent my days playing, singing, dancing, chatting, cleaning etc with the children and each day i aimed at bringing the children more and more love and affection and slowly slowly our relationship grew. from the begining where the children were just in awe of me but yet whenever i spoke to them they got so shy and nearly ran away to now where they come running to hug me to say hello, are always around me whatever am up to and even the boys are all cuddled up with me. These days have been very special!

So no till now i didnt see any animals, go to any falls, do any adventurous things, stayed in nice hotels, i played with the children, met people, worked with them and ate their food, i went in their house and met their families, i lived what africa is about!

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