Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Back in Malta

So here i am back in Malta and still i feel that my heart is in Uganda. I miss the children..i miss them a lot, especially the thought that they are there alone, looked after but not getting the appropriate love and affection they deserve.
I did not have the time to update my blog whilst there because internet was limited... or more precisely electricity was very limited. In Kakumiro, we had it - occasionally - but it was never there in Bukuumi which is where i spent most of my time.
i get nostalgic, just thinking about how i used to spend my days - I had no electricity, no television, internet, computer or any of those gadgets built to entertain us but not once was i bored. Instead i had company of genuine people, innocent loving children, a sweet little toddler learning new things and the open air.

Now that i am back all what i can say is that as different as Uganda is to Malta and all what i knew before i found myself in a little community where everybody cared for each other, you are never alone, i enjoyed my time with the children, made true special friends and found a home.

I consider myself very lucky that I met the 'famous Germans' who introduced me to their project and hence my children - the children i am now so in love with. I was also lucky to find myself in such a special community of sisters - they became my friends and really were my sisters there. I also had the opportunity to help in the education system and had students who told me they now enjoyed english, where as before they used to hate it and found it useless. I was also looked after by the mission office who even though far away, they made sure to keep an eye out on me. I got all of the support and encouragement from my friends and family back home. So over all even if it was initially difficult, it turned out to be the best experiences in my life!!

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